
Muskegon average and current rainfall totals
Muskegon average and current rainfall totals

muskegon average and current rainfall totals

Right now I’d go with above average temperatures for the period from August 7 thru the end of October and below average temperatures with a White Christmas for December. See more current weather Annual Weather Averages Near Muskegon Averages are for Muskegon County Airport, which is 5 miles from Muskegon. I continue to look at long range seasonal weather. (Weather station: Muskegon County Airport, USA). has only 28 days) the year so far is 0.5 degree warmer than average. So far in 2021, we’ve had four months that have been warmer than average and 3 months that have been cooler than average. and 11 days with at least a little smoke in the air from Western wildfires. lowest Year Mean Greatest daily Mean degree days Precipitation Totals. We had 11 days when we could see lightning or hear thunder in G.R. NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICE IN. Sixty percent of our July rainfall came on July 23rd. The total coastline of the 5 Great Lakes in the U. There was just a 36 degree spread between the hottest temp. Temperatures were close to average for the month. Holland’s two-month total is 7.95″ and that’s 1.70″ above average. Muskegon had a two-month total of 9.61″ and that’s 5.13″ above average. The southernmost parts of Florida, Texas, California, and Arizona all have annual average temperatures of at least 70 degrees, but very different rainfall amounts: 10 inches or less in the Southwest versus more than 50 inches in Florida. Since June 1, Kalamazoo has picked up 114.99″ of rain and that’s 8.43″ above average. Kalamazoo had 4.33″ in July and that was 0.99″ above average. A Climate Chart and information about the temperature and precipitation. Get to know the Muskegon current weather and the weather forecast for the. Since June 1, Grand Rapids has had 12.93″ of rain and that’s 5.13″ above average. Climate Graph Muskegon and averages Michigan. Raw data for the Muskegon, MI forecast was obtained from the National Weather. Situated around a harbor of Lake Michigan, Muskegon is known for. The 4.44″ in Grand Rapids was 0.58″ above average. Muskegon, MI climate averages data includes: average daily temperatures, average probability of precipitation, yearly barometric pressure averages. state of Michigan, is the county seat of Muskegon County. On the other hand, Holland (Regional Airport) had only 1.13″ of rain, just 40% of average rainfall. On the wet side, Battle Creek recorded 6″ of rain.

Muskegon average and current rainfall totals